Title: Dimension Limits
Artist: Heno Airlangga
Size: 72cm x 78cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Year: 2018
Price: USD 3500
Message and meaning of the painting
Life and death have their respective dimensions, between them there are limits, but the boundaries are abstract or invisible, although invisible, but the boundaries are there, and everyone will go through the boundaries of these dimensions.
Likewise, the dimensions of human life and the dimensions of the life of astral beings, there are boundaries between real and magical life.
Likewise, when humans are aware and active in daily life, then they fall asleep lost consciousness, enter into dreams, there is a boundary dimension between the natural world and the subconscious or dream world.
Humans themselves actually have been and will go through several boundaries of the dimensions of time space, starting from the moment in the spirit realm, the womb realm, the natural world (consisting of the conscious and subconscious realms), the grave, the realm of the universe, the afterlife (Heaven and Hell) . In every dimension limit there is a long journey of space and time.
Information and purchase:
Email: henoairlangga@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +6281 329 7 329 11